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Articles » Writing-&-Speaking » Writing

By: admin
Johnny is a creative story-writer, but he can't write an essay to save his life. Does this ring true for your child or student?(read entire article)
View : 1410 Times
By: admin
With every passing day new discoveries are made and the scope of information is increasing with prospects that it is becoming difficult for humans to handle information efficiently thus resulting in e-cheating and plagiarism. Plagiarism can be defined as (read entire article)
View : 1743 Times
By: admin
What if I were to tell you that just six months from now your IQ could be 25 percent higher than what it is today? And what if I told you that all you needed to do was perform a simple daily exercise that would make it happen?(read entire article)
View : 1336 Times
By: admin
1. Basic literacy is a plus, but not essential. 2. Write a novel about a magical world filled with one or more of the following: dying high school students, bondage enthusiasts, murderous wives, or drifters who solve crimes.(read entire article)
View : 1140 Times
By: admin
For some of these individuals, having to write a simple note to a teacher or even a short email can be a daunting task. For still others learning disabilities impair their ability when it comes to spelling.(read entire article)
View : 1274 Times
By: admin
Most of us like to read and gain knowledge. A book can simply help once cause. It can be your best friend in your spare time, while traveling or may be a late night friend.(read entire article)
View : 1448 Times
By: admin
1. DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE EVERY DAY Write something every day - whether it's your project or an assignment. If you find yourself stuck just staring at a blank screen, try staring at a great script instead -- and try to figure out how it's put together. (read entire article)
View : 2012 Times
By: admin
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm thankful for grammar. You heard me right. I'm thankful for grammar. I guess maybe I should say that I'm thankful that I learned grammar.(read entire article)
View : 1323 Times
By: admin
If you've ever tried to write anything more important than a random message to someone over the Internet, then you've likely encountered writer's block. That odd, undefined mental event that keeps one from getting any workable ideas, or prevents you from (read entire article)
View : 1937 Times
By: admin
Dissertation is one of the most vital projects during the whole period of your study. Some students believe that dissertation is just another academic paper, which differs just in terms of scope and has the same structure as the term paper and essay have.(read entire article)
View : 1428 Times
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