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Articles » Food-&-Beverage » Coffee

By: admin
It is probably common knowledge that coffee was discovered in Ethiopia. The "red" cherries which the sheep ate and become very active were taken home and tasted and what was known as the devil's fruit become coffee as the world knows it today.(read entire article)
View : 1646 Times
By: admin
The word "Gourmet" is used to refer to the fancier grade, cut, or quality of many of the foods and beverages we consume. Gourmet foods and drinks have long been associated as the regular fare for the rich and famous who can afford the higher pricing that (read entire article)
View : 1633 Times
By: admin
Are you one of those people who can't get moving in the morning without that morning cup of coffee? If you are, you aren't alone. Homes across the country are home to Bunn coffee makers, espresso or cappuccino makers to get people up and ready to face the(read entire article)
View : 1564 Times
By: admin
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.(read entire article)
View : 1691 Times
By: admin
Cappuccino began in Italy where it is still a delight of the morning routine. The Italians can tell a tourist from a native though because only a tourist will order a cappuccino after noon.(read entire article)
View : 1733 Times
By: admin
Making coffee is one of the easiest things in the world, and yet people are forever finding more and more complicated ways to do it.(read entire article)
View : 1647 Times
By: admin
Around the time of A.D 850 legend has it that a lone shepherd and his flock happened upon a strange new plant that was growing upon the slopes of lonely hillside.(read entire article)
View : 1667 Times
By: admin
Coffee is a drink produced from the coffee grains. It is stimulating, because it contains caffeine. The use of the drink of the coffee had its origin in Kaffa, Abyssinia, today Ethiopia, when a shepherd called Kaldi observed that his goats were smarter an(read entire article)
View : 1691 Times
By: admin
A good cup of coffee is like fine wine and good quality cigars. There are various different types of coffee beans and these determine the flavors that the blend presents for the coffee connoisseur.(read entire article)
View : 1617 Times
By: admin
When we hear the term "coffee maker" most of us think of only one type of coffee maker. Most often, the drip style coffee maker or the espresso type machine comes to mind, depending on where you live and your taste in coffee.(read entire article)
View : 1863 Times
By: admin
Would you like to have tea or coffee? Just what are the specific coffee benefits? You must have heard this offer of choice a thousand times.(read entire article)
View : 1645 Times
By: admin
The most common use for coffee mugs is to house hot beverages, including coffee and hot chocolate. These are usually found in casual settings and are most often made of ceramic.(read entire article)
View : 1645 Times
By: admin
Caffeine, like chocolate, often receives bad publicity. Whilst in some instances, and in excess, these can have negative effects on our body, they can also be quite beneficial.(read entire article)
View : 1587 Times
By: admin
When I was six years old, my granddad would take me and my twin brother to work with him. Granddad worked at night as a security guard, so it was no trouble at all for him to let us go to work with him.(read entire article)
View : 1677 Times
By: admin
Green coffee beans have supplied a new player in the antioxidant arena. An extract of green coffee beans has been found to have a stronger antioxidant effect than established antioxidants like green tea and grape seed extract.(read entire article)
View : 1564 Times
By: admin
Your coffee maker could be killing you. Well it is if your morning cup of coffee is a matter of life and death and you have a filthy coffee maker.(read entire article)
View : 1595 Times
By: admin
If you're currently wondering how to select a coffee bean grinder to suit you and your kitchen then you probably already know that there are various options open to you.(read entire article)
View : 1563 Times
By: admin
Nothing perks up a lazy morning like coffee. What is this dark-colored substance made of and why can't some people survive a day without having even just one sip of this stimulant?(read entire article)
View : 1884 Times
By: admin
Could there be anything better than a hot, fresh brewed cup of coffee? As you open that can of pre-ground Maxwell House Coffee, did you even know that coffee comes in different roasts?(read entire article)
View : 1601 Times
By: admin
We rated 10 popular models on versatility, brew quality and ease of cleanup. These three started hot and finished strong.(read entire article)
View : 431 Times
By: admin
Coffee has five primary ways of being brewed. Each method has brewing variables - introduction of water, brewing temperature, and separating the brewed liquor from the coffee grounds.(read entire article)
View : 1599 Times
By: admin
The word "percolator" has come to mean that special coffee pot that used to sit on Grandma's stove and bubble away like mad all morning long. Typically they consist of a heat proof pot that holds the water, a long tube (like a straw) that holds a filter b(read entire article)
View : 1622 Times
By: admin
Coffee is the number one breakfast drink the world over. There are very few places that do not serve this staple and that is a very good thing to say the least.(read entire article)
View : 1560 Times
By: admin
Coffee is a beverage, served hot or with ice, with or without cream and sugar, prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant. These seeds are almost always called the coffee bean. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in adults today.(read entire article)
View : 1700 Times
By: admin
Brewing a great cup of coffee depends on a number of things such as the quality of the coffee bean, the quality of the water being used, the type of brewing being done, and the grind of the coffee.(read entire article)
View : 1610 Times
By: admin
Keeping our brew fresh and hot is a big deal for some of us coffee drinkers. There is nothing worse than a tepid mouthful of stale coffee.(read entire article)
View : 1677 Times
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