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By: admin
* Donkeys can live for over 50 years. * A donkey is stronger than a horse of the same size. * Donkeys have incredible memory. They can recognize places and other donkeys they last saw 25 years ago.(read entire article)
View : 61 Times
By: admin
Here are some methods on how to get rid of wasps. When it's time to learn how to get rid of wasps correctly you must know your enemy. Don't confuse a wasp with a bee. Bees are very important in plant pollination.(read entire article)
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By: admin
Wolves are a widely studied species in Yellowstone. Since wolves were reintroduced to the park after an absence of almost 80 years, scientists spend a lot of time studying the animals' unique behavior. "Our knowledge of wolves is vast due to decades of re(read entire article)
View : 1528 Times
By: admin
Polar bears (Thalarctos maritimus) live in the Arctic regions of the north near open water where they can find their main source of food which are seals. Sometimes known as "rulers of the Arctic," these bears are huge with adults at 7 to 8 1/2 feet tall(read entire article)
View : 1525 Times
By: admin
The American Bald Eagle was unofficially chosen as a National Symbol in 1872, when the Constitution of the United States was ratified. It was not officially nominated as such until 1788. There was a heated debate, led by the great statesman Benjamin Frank(read entire article)
View : 1433 Times
By: admin
They've been here a long time, lightning bugs. Or do you call them fireflies? You probably do if you were raised in the Western U.S. or parts of New England.(read entire article)
View : 71 Times
By: admin
Do you truly see animals at the zoo? A while back, on a visit to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Santa Monica, I overheard a tour guide say the average time spent looking at a work of art(read entire article)
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