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Articles » Home-&-Family » Games

By: admin
Chess Games One of my favorite travel games is chess. Okay, it's just one of my favorite games, and I have three-ounce set with a cloth board, so I can take it anywhere.(read entire article)
View : 1037 Times
By: admin
Except in certain circles, the game of backgammon doesn't get much attention these days unless the version being played is the online version. But that's not the way it was 5,000 years ago when players in Mesopotamia first created this exciting and strate(read entire article)
View : 1445 Times
By: admin
Sudoku is a logic based puzzle, somewhat similar to a crossword puzzle, except it uses digits instead of words. The name Sudoku is an abbreviation of a Japanese phrase which means "the digits must remain single." It is also sometimes called Number Place o(read entire article)
View : 1540 Times
By: admin
Backgammon has been around for many years, and many different people have been playing the game. Backgammon history is not known by many people, however it is an interesting piece of information to look into. If you are a big player of the game, backgammo(read entire article)
View : 1541 Times
By: admin
Want a fun way to tune up your brain? Why not use some classic mind games to help you increase your brainpower and get you out of your thinking "ruts." Good mind games habituate you to using creative problem solving as a normal part of thinking about thin(read entire article)
View : 1484 Times
By: admin
Are you looking for a cheap and easy way to impress your date and to have a good time? Then get a croquet set and teach them to play. I recently taught a girl to play croquet.(read entire article)
View : 1179 Times
By: admin
I know not all people have played croquet. So few people have played croquet; in fact, that croquet may not even seem like a cool thing to do.(read entire article)
View : 1219 Times
By: admin
In an age where children spend a huge percentage of their free time playing with expensive computer games, it's nice to know that some old-fashioned games are still being played outdoors and cost absolutely nothing.(read entire article)
View : 1285 Times
By: admin
While sitting around with friends one weekend I discovered the greatest card game ever. The name of the game is Animals, and the game is very easy to learn, easy to play and a great source of entertainment.(read entire article)
View : 1436 Times
By: admin
Since computers entered each and every household, classroom and office, solitaire became the most popular game. It is simple to learn, easy to play, and addictive because of its simplicity. But that was ages ago, and people have begun to grow tired of tha(read entire article)
View : 1434 Times
By: admin
Backyard croquet is a gift that keeps on giving. You can use a croquet set and you can use it again and again and again and again for friend or family entertainment.(read entire article)
View : 1112 Times
By: admin
Russians have a thing for chess and, frankly, are very good at it. Being from San Diego, I thought chess was something you put photo albums in.(read entire article)
View : 1128 Times
By: admin
What can you do to get riddle answers? This depends on the type of riddle. Consider the following examples of a few different ones, and the simple "rules" or techniques you can use to solve them. Find The Key Element Of The Riddle(read entire article)
View : 1424 Times
By: admin
Chess is a fascinating board game that was invented thousands of years ago. Throughout its long history, it has earned acclaim and is considered to be the 'king' of board games.(read entire article)
View : 1122 Times
By: admin
Sudoku puzzles have always boasted that it is a brain stimulating game that requires no mathematical skills. In essence, the statement is correct because a player does not really have to add numbers, columns or rows to play Sudoku puzzles. However, if we (read entire article)
View : 1906 Times
By: admin
The origins of contemporary bingo go back to 16th century Italy, where the lottery game Lo Giuoco del Lotto dItalia was introduced. The popular chance game was introduced to North America in the late 1920s by the name of Beano.(read entire article)
View : 1473 Times
By: admin
The first book of crosswords was published in 1924. It became a best-seller and crosswords replaced mahjongg as the most popular American game. Crossword puzzle design and solving is an excellent way to sharpen focus.(read entire article)
View : 1405 Times
By: admin
The history of fantasy football actually began several years before the first fantasy team was selected.(read entire article)
View : 912 Times
By: admin
Hailed as the Rubik's Cube of the 21st century, Sudoku is the current rage among number puzzles. It may sound surreal but at an age where bubblegum pop music has successfully reinvented itself as punk rock through the likes of Avril Lavigne and Simple Pla(read entire article)
View : 1553 Times
By: admin
The board game backgammon is one of the most ancient games known to man. It is believed that early variations of the game were played in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Ancient Rome. Since then, the game has evolved, changed several names and spread to dif(read entire article)
View : 1474 Times
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